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Commercial Cleaning



Attention Property Owners!

Increase Your NOI and Customer Satisfaction with our Experienced Cleaning Team.

Request a Quote Today!

Why Do I Need a Cleaning Company?

If you're an experienced property owner than you understand the importance of making a first impression of prospective tenants, quality attracts quality.

Imagine you're a prospect, you see a great listing online and schedule a time only to find that the hallways have last winter's tracks? Your leasing agents better be really good smooth talkers because that prospect is history!

No lease

Damaged brand

Diminished profit

Reduced NOI

 Loss of cash flow

That's a 1st impression gone wrong which could have easily sealed the deal! We've all been in this scenario - but why?

The answer is simple. You are a property owner, and you are awesome at your job. Whether it's the renovations, improvements, tenant relations, or marketing, its always the "small" stuff that slips out from your mind.

We get it. We own and manage commercial properties and have been in your shoes before. We understand that you want a clean property, but don't have the resources or time to get it done.

That's why Sutton is here. We're here to manage your building's cleaning requirements, whether it's a Duplex or Class-A Office tower, we know how to get the job done. Our experience covers most asset classes including, Office, Retail, Multifamily, Mixed-Use, and Single Family homes. We are here to tell you - We've got this!

Our method is to map out a comprehensive cleaning plan for your property, layout a plan to cover all areas, and provide you with the opportunity to focus on what you're good at, improve your revenues, increase noi, and turn vacancies into occupancies.

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Sutton Equity is currently servicing clients in NYC, Essex County, Bergen County, and Monmouth County.

Save Time

Earn More

impress prospects

Friendly Support

How we work

Our job is to hear you so we can work towards your goals. We want to understand your needs and wants, so we ask for a guided walk-through of your property. We then canvas the property on our own, determine the strategy, establish the program, and within 1-2 days you will have your free estimate.

While we want to help all property owners and grow revenues as much as possible, performance always outweighs everything. Our clients deserve 100%.

Contact us any time

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